Photography Project

Photography Project started in 2012 and became part of Sum Effect in 2021. 

As the years passed, we evolved, up skilled and became competent in all that our clients asked us to doto make strong and innovative brand images.

We’ve aligned perfectly with  Marketing & Communications Teams and Creative Agencies.

Brand Imagery. The Heart. The Soul. The Message

We’ve made stunning brand image libraries that genuinely and successfully communicate to your audience. From big hero shots, right down to the little details. The full picture of a brand.

You name it we’ve done it – creative portraits, styled campaigns, aerial drone imagery, headshots, products, interiors, project case studies, branding videos and more.

A unique collection of photos and videos at your fingertips. An alternative to buying stock imagery.

Chalk Property Location Photography Sum Effect

The Right Focus

From the beginning, Matt Reed wasn’t precious about the type of imagery we created for brands and businesses.

We’d focus on the outcome and bring whatever was needed to make that happen.

We happily bounced between big production, highly polished campaign shoots, to run-and-gun, in-the-moment imagery. 

Our clients were sprinkled across Australia. We’d go where the action was … for the Photography Project.

Mining St Barbara

The Sum of Parts

We learnt to love ambitious ideas and over the years assembled a team to pull them off.

We were art directors, photographers, film makers, drone pilots, fashion stylists and retouchers. We’re equally business thinkers, creative artists and technical geeks. It’s the mix that matters.

Having this deep toolbox of skills to draw from allowed us to nail the big ideas, and the littles ones.

The Experience

At Photography Project, we’ve always been about harmony, big smiles and making the ride fun and enjoyable for all involved.

This deep belief is our fingerprint and shapes the way we roll.

Our client feedback supports this.

…The images are magnificent, more than meeting our needs. Your professionalism, communication and prompt turnarounds were impressive.

But what made it special was your infectious good cheer, the care you showed in relating with our staff and students, your responsiveness to the brief and your flexibility and attention to detail in meeting the brief.

Dave Anderson, Head of Learning Area: Arts & Technology & Enterprise South Fremantle Senior High School

Building Brand Image Libraries

This About Us video from 2015 shows commercial photographer, Matt Reed, talking about his business Photography Project.

What what we do in a nutshell is create a library of photos and videos that carry the heart, the soul and the message of a brandSo clients can communicate to the world what makes them special.

While Photography Project is no more, our philosophy remains the same now we’re Sum Effect.

When I was searching for a photographer I found it difficult to find someone who didn’t take generic “corporate pictures.” I wanted the passion, drive and energy of our people to be captured.

Matt’s images are fresh, modern and honest, and in my opinion they brought to life the “personality” of our business.

They help to tell the story behind the business – which is what good photography is about.

Jolleh Abshar, Marketing & PR, Magellan Power