Outside The Frame - DADAA

In this Outside The Frame, our mission was to showcase in images the amazing organisation DADAA – www.dadaa.org.au

DADAA provide access to arts and culture for people with disability or a lived experience of mental illness.

We struck gold as the location of choice was the Fremantle Old Boys School, a 162-year-old partly renovated building, soon to be DADAA’s new home from mid 2017.

This project was another fine collaboration with the dream team at Media on Mars.

We had loads of creative freedom on this shoot which always puts a sparkle in our eyes. The goal was to create a collection of strong emotive portraits of artists that capture the joy they have for the arts.

This shoot would have been hard to achieve with only 1 photographer. There were 3 of us on the shoot and we all had important roles to play. Broadly, one of us was on camera, one on lighting and the other coordinating those in front of the camera. We all had to be on the same wave length and work cohesively…. especially as we continually tag teamed roles throughout the day for the best outcome of each shot.

We love these projects as they push us creatively and give us the opportunity to experiment technically.

It’s an awesome feeling during the shoot when the images come up on the laptop and our clients get to see the magic happening. You see the excitement on peoples faces and you know things are going well. It adds fuel to the shoot and motivation to raise the bar for the next shot. There are no words to describe the high you get from this feeling. It’s what keeps us coming back for more.